Turrican wrote:
Nairod wrote:
I'm not a real fan of "sanitized" stormtrooper helmet. But this one looks damn cool (way more than MR helemt or Rogue One porudction prop).
Nice work. If only they followed this way for Rogue One!!!
Just can sign this to 100%

thank you Turrican
banthapoodoo wrote:
DynamicMenace wrote:
yeah, i can't believe i didn't think of that. lol thanks. good idea
i think putting TS (True Symmetrical) after TK and TD would work best. so, TK-TS and TD-TS.
and sure, i just added some 3/4 profile views to the initial post. now, keep in kind, these are true symmetrical helmet. meaning we took ALL of both sides of the helmet and ran them through a program where it combines boths sides to achieve true symmetry. so things may not line up exactly to an OT helmet that is asymmetrical.
Sounds like a fine naming convention to me!
Thanks for extra pics. So far I get the right OT vibe from every view. The far cheek does look a bit rounded, but probably just from that angle. At a 45 degree rotation, it likely will look more like an upside down L-shaped hockey stick.
Understood about things not lining up. Heck one wouldn't be able to line up any two of the original screen-used stunts either. I have several HDPE Dan Laws helmet kits, which I believe have an accurate shape off the mold. But like the original stunt helmets that shape can be tweaked in constrained ways, intentionally or unintentionally.
I had embarked a few years ago on trying to compare the RS helmet to the "average" TK screen-used helmet. I ended up instead finding what troopermaster agreed was the RS helmet. I've always thought the RS face was a bit flatter, the frown a bit taller, than the average TK. This look was carried over to the ANOVOS helmet I believe as well.
I did create a 3D model of my ANOVOS helmet using Autodesk 123d Catch. A crude inaccurate capture to be sure. I respect the amount of work that you guys put into creating the TS model and the methodology of incorporating many views from a variety of helmets to achieve it.
http://www.123dapp.com/catch/ANOVOS-ANH-Stormtrooper/5202136So when shall we expect to see a Vader model derived from screenshots? I've always thought this was possible, but technically much more difficult because of reflections and fewer stationary details that can be tracked frame-to-frame. ANH probably the most amenable to such processing, ESB the least.
indeed it does,

TS it is :D
well with copies of copies things do tend to loose detail or shapes alter. but the overall shape or silhouette remains for the most part.
nice job on the model. looks great man.
as far as the far right cheek looking rounded. can you point that out for me? i just want to make sure i know what area exactly you talking about.
because when creating the sculpt, we found out that certain areas on the far back sides of the cheek just under the teardrop was in fact rounded. but the far back was flat. so we matched what we saw in the images we created.
but maybe im not understanding what area you specifically talking about? lol
well as far as Vader, its not that difficult from the front view. at least with the poster helmet.
but as for me, i actually liked the new design for the ROTS Vader helmet, and here is why, to me, it look as a younger version of Vader. so it should have all the shapes and details or even the feel of the ones we see in the OTs. to me it captures the youth of Vader , the beginning of what's to come. .
so for me, the new design worked perfectly for the occasion.
but on a engeneering synthetic advanced technological universe, a true symmetrical Vader helmet would be ideal.
as you can see below, even the symmetrical Vader has the same look and feel as the OT version.
courtesy of NHM.