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 Post subject: New something cool: khaki ANH stunt stormtrooper
PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 9:04 pm 
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As the title say:


I had a talk with a local plastic supplier and got a sample of an interesting plastic with a very interesting color!!!

Thus I ordered some sheets and then contacted someone who would be able to vacuum form those sheets on a pro. set up.

So all the credits goes to Vaj for this outstanding kit (with his very cool mic tips!!!!)

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 Post subject: Re: New something cool: khaki ANH stunt stormtrooper
PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 10:51 am 
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Ooh... that's looking nice.

 Post subject: Re: New something cool: khaki ANH stunt stormtrooper
PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 3:28 am 
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very cool.

 Post subject: Re: New something cool: khaki ANH stunt stormtrooper
PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 5:03 pm 
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What's the origin of the mould for VAJ's helmet ?
I bought 7 years back a hero helmet made by VAJ ... as i got later told ,it was a TE Recast.

If i'm correct than his Stunt helmets were Cap West Recasts as well.
Just as a notice that i'm not 100% sure about that, so call me wrong if you know it for sure what it is.

 Post subject: Re: New something cool: khaki ANH stunt stormtrooper
PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 10:13 pm 
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Vaj got (with pain) a resin SFS helmet from TE.

He used it as a base to make molds (he reworked them).

The tearsdrops have the bump and the right tube has the kink. Both tubes are thinner than usual helmet derived from the TE shape (Brian R).

It's clearly different from a RSprop helmet too. But it's the funny parts of a collection, have different lineage (and not the same shape derived into ANH stunt, sandtrooper, ESB stunt...)

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 Post subject: Re: New something cool: khaki ANH stunt stormtrooper
PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 2:39 am 
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Is it HDPE?

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 Post subject: Re: New something cool: khaki ANH stunt stormtrooper
PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 9:56 am 
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Something close. 2mm Polypropylene.

What is cool is that PP is flexible but in 2mm not too soft. So we have a strong helmet.

It's Paul TrooperMaster who was one of the first trying to form PP (the results was very cool).

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 Post subject: Re: New something cool: khaki ANH stunt stormtrooper
PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 2:59 pm 
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So the helmet has lineage but simply another as the RS Props lid?

 Post subject: Re: New something cool: khaki ANH stunt stormtrooper
PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 9:53 pm 
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RSprop helmet is a direct cast of an original helmet. Actually, it's the unique helemt that I know with this pedigree.

TE helmets came from the Brian R helmet but the molds were certainly reworked (no kink on the right tube, no bumps on the tears).

You have some resin copies which directly came of original helmet ("TE" ROTJ for example).

But I'm sure that other "secret" cast are flotting around.

This helmet is derived from a resin copy of the 3D scanned SFS helmet.... the lineage is good but not perfect. Nevertheless, it looks good ^^

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 Post subject: Re: New something cool: khaki ANH stunt stormtrooper
PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 8:13 am 
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Ah ok. Thanks for the info mate :thumbsup

 Post subject: Re: New something cool: khaki ANH stunt stormtrooper
PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 12:19 pm 
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So did he get permission from the guy who owns the mould in which the base helmet was cast from?

Or is it ok to recast anything that came from TE (because he is a total dirt bag) without seeking permission?

I just thought I would ask as i see this is becoming quite a trend now regarding trooper props.

 Post subject: Re: New something cool: khaki ANH stunt stormtrooper
PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:03 pm 
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Vaj worked on these molds since years now. TE was still on the "market" at this time.

Considering that some makers are legit, others not....but main of them offers the Brian R lineage (or derived form a replicas derived from the Brian know what I mean), it's hard to tell who have rights or not :pale

Not my intention to invade the "market" with a new prop. Only two helmets kit have been made and that's all.

Vaj is free to do what he wants with his "toys", I know what I'll do with mine.

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 Post subject: Re: New something cool: khaki ANH stunt stormtrooper
PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:31 pm 
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Ok, perhaps a little more research is in order for you guys. Tony (TE2) has owned those moulds since 2005 and he still offers them for sale. So producing anything from those moulds is exactly the same as recasting RS.. or anybody else on here...

I am curious to know why is it so free game as far as trooper stuff now? Ive only come back into the hobby recently. But all I see is recast stuff everywhere, and nobody seems to care. Being free to do what you want with your toys is fine. However if you showed off being "free" like that with a SL or TM, I don't think people here would take this as lightly.

 Post subject: Re: New something cool: khaki ANH stunt stormtrooper
PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 3:25 pm 
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In that case i have to agree with fon here.

 Post subject: Re: New something cool: khaki ANH stunt stormtrooper
PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 6:37 pm 
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I always thought that Tony only had Brian R molds. As for SFS helmet, I just know that one piece helmet mould exist (since TE offered resin copies of the scanned helmet) and vacuum forming molds, used by Dan Laws.

Plus some guys here who have the 3D files of the SFS helmet. Finally it's very hard to know who have rights for what....

But I know and I agree thath this helmet can raise some controversy.

When we are hardcore collectors and want the best, what should we do?? I bought many helmets kits from valuable prop makers and at some times (not always of course) I have been disappointed (long waiting, poor quality, missing parts, helmet which wasn't what the maker claimed, etc...).

We can say nothing, keep secret some "bad" projects and let this area dies until a new "legit" replicas appears.

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