The various Rolls Royce paints they used from various companies can in some color matching books only be found under the part number and not the color code number.
At my auto paint shop they carry a brand called Motip and they found equivalents for some of the Rolls Royce colors.
The Black with the color code LB31819 (Mason) can be found through this number:
9500701The Black Pearl with the color code 178-10034 (Valentine) can be found through this number:
9500930 and is a standard gunmetal and doesn't look right.
Then they have 3 different grey/silver metallic colors of which I think the Pewter color might be the one we are after, but it is discontinued, so I will have to have a special blend made to test it out and those are rather expensive compared to the Motip spraycans I have tested so far.
The Georgian Silver with the color code M151-6220 (ICI) has this part number:
9510411 - discontinued
The Pewter with the color code L68-ZV001 (Inmont) has this part number:
9519371 - discontinued
The Silver Chalice with the color code M151-2300 (ICI) can be found through this number:
9510037I found the numbers and examples of the colors on this site: still feel the Pewter is the grey color we are looking for. I'll have to check what a special blend costs next time I'm out there to see if it is worth getting one of those to test out. Got the Motip equivalent of the Silver Chalice color, but haven't tested it yet: it just looks too bright to me.
The Motip equivalent of the Mason's Black looks just right to me. Right black color, right sheen, right everything. The other gloss blacks I've painted with have either been "too black" or over into blue or grey, but never getting that effect I was seeing in the movie and in pictures. Would be interesting to see someone paint a piece and bring it along to match against an original helmet.