I have an RS kit. Got it partly trimmed. Not looking forward to the ears as I usually screw up those and there aren't any clear lines indicating where they really should be trimmed to, like it's faintly possible to see on the face and back piece.
One thing however. I drilled out the rivet holes on the face and the back and assembled the piece, putting the brow trim on... but something's horribly wrong and I'm afraid I may have screwed up badly. There's a huge cap between the brow trim and the face - nearly 4-5 mm. I just don't understand, as I drilled the holes right in the center of the round markings on the two pieces. I HATE ASSEMBLING VAC-FORMED HELMETS... GRRRRRRRR. Should I make new holes slightly further back, ignoring the original placement of the holes, or what? Is that even possible? With fiberglass it would have been an easy fix - heck, it would probably have been a one-piece for the whole face and back, eliminating the whole "my crappy assembly skills" issue. I knew I should have opted for an assembled one, so at least I would have prevented mauling one of these kits with my trimming and assembly skills.
Grr... what do I do... sell it for cheap to someone who'll know how to fix it and then buy an assembled version...
I don't know. All I know is I hate trimming and assembling vac-formed helmets.