In all the furor over the C-scar one subject that I feel was not adequately explored is the "other cheek", if you will, of the efx Master. I'm intrigued by the way Gino painted the lower portion of the right cheek, or whatever we want to call that part of the helmet, gunmetal gray and left the "whisker" black:

My knee-jerk reaction of course was/is that it is wrong but to play devil's advocate what if it's correct? I've been going over everything that I have and to date I've only seen one scenario that even suggests painting both faces of Vader's right cheek is correct and that is in the 2004 DVD documentary:

Thing is, if you watch the few seconds that the screen cap is taken from you can see the color of the lower portion of the cheek appear to go from black to gray so even that isn't solid. Interesting also to note how the chest armor appears all gray in the screen cap as well. My working theory is that the helmet was obviously re-touched constantly throughout principle photography (which resulted in the conditions that made the c-scar possible) so maybe they painted the cheek that way for one or two shots then changed it back--
if it was ever painted that way at all.
There are what appear to be brush strokes on that portion of the cheek in both the LFL/RB castings and TM castings but that doesn't mean that the brush ever had gunmetal gray paint in it. The overwhelming majority of picture information shows that bit is black but definitive pictures showing that part of the helmet to be black are nearly all post-production. Lighting plays wonderful tricks with the helmet and the combination of colors so it's no wonder that it is confusing.
Anybody have a smoking gun or nail to pound into the coffin either way?