It's more likely that the "molds" from LFL were actual pulls instead of (negative) molds. The alleged master for the Don Post TIE Fighter helmet that Sgt. Fang came into possession of is one example. My friend recently acquired a Fett helmet that came from LFL with PrePro2 tells but yet has the tells of a Don Post Deluxe. It struck me how sharp some of the edges and details were - and if this was in fact the DP Master was looking at. Again, this was a positive object and not a negative mold.
So when these companies say they have the original molds from LFL, they're talking about templates provided by LFL. Not silicone inverted molds you'd pour resin and fiberglass into, but what got pulled out of them.
Thomas, to your question about the GH/Fyberdyne lineage, funny I was actually thinking that earlier today. The GH/Fyberdyne appear to be of US/Rick Baker mold but with oversanding and their own deviations from the original's shape. Back in the day, they were the gold standard.
Then, a few years back, we had the MP appear ( ... ostume.htm), and I did a comp of it against the ESB Promo Poster Vader helmet (which was ANH in configuration) and there was a striking similarity. The MP's face did not have the same idiosyncrasies as the GH/Fyberdyne.
One of my first helmets was a SithPlanet ANH, which turned out to be smaller than a Don Post Deluxe. SithPlanet related that his helmet came from a casting off a Planet Hollywood display and reasoned that Planet Hollywood only deals with authentic props, so this had to be accurate. Looking back, I believe he sincerely believed that, and PH may have very well gotten in contact with Don Post Studios for a Vader. Note that we are not talking about the screenused ESB helmet and armor, but rather an ANH era display.
Randy then showed me a mold made supposedly off a pull made off of the aforementioned PH ANH display (right):

Okay, the white one obviously wasn't that great. He said that he or his prop maker worked a casting of the one on the right into the one on the left which then became the SithPlanet ANH (for the record, it's not to my tastes, but that shape modification is a commendable job).
But notice the latch on the frown bump.
I don't know if Don Post Studios made the Vaders for PH or not, or if this frown bump might be a trait.
Thanks to more photos and hosting services nowadays, more old Vader pics have surfaced. But these PH displays do not strike me as GH/Fyberdyne looking.
The Chicago Planet Hollywood Vader, circa 1999: Planet Hollywood circa 2006 in NY. Same display? Codpiece and chest armor look the same. ... z.jpg?zz=1Anyway, more questions, more mystery....