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 Post subject: Re: Newly Found ANH Stormtrooper Helmet and Armor
PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 10:30 am 
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The underside is very very thin plastic , paper thin at times, but yes it has that detail.

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 Post subject: Re: Newly Found ANH Stormtrooper Helmet and Armor
PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 11:36 am 
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Thank you for the info CatfoodRob! and welcome to the Prop Den.

It's very good of you to share here, and please pass my thanks on to the owner of this suit as well. And yes hopefully what is said and shown about this suit here, stays here.

Hearing from you about how thin parts of it are does make me worry about how it would fare being moulded (although that doesn't sound like Simon's intention). I wonder what the next owner will decide? ..

 Post subject: Re: Newly Found ANH Stormtrooper Helmet and Armor
PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 1:04 pm 
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Interesting. Most interesting. Though it doesn't completely disprove the claim made that it's caused by assembly, the fact that it's there in a helmet that's taken apart and where it hasn't straightened out, weighs more on the side that it was part of the mold and formed like that, and the kink was simply pushed out on the Brian R helmet when that one was molded.

Thanks for sharing this info with us. :cheers

 Post subject: Re: Newly Found ANH Stormtrooper Helmet and Armor
PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 9:49 pm 
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As others have said thank you for sharing here and thank the owner too. One thing I would really like to know is did Simon get photos of the helmet before he sanded it? I really hope so as this would be great to ID it onscreen. Also I'd love to hear the story behind how it was originally obtained. Thanks again.


 Post subject: Re: Newly Found ANH Stormtrooper Helmet and Armor
PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 9:26 am 
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Ok some questions:
-Any info why the previous owner of the armor used a Edding to painted some parts of the armor black?
-Also it would be interesting to know if this armor was to see in any scene of AnH or ESB.
-Some say at the AnH/ESB armors only the helmets had a gloss white paint finish,some other say the armor was painted too.
Is it possible to tell exact if it was or not on this armor?

And also as all other.
Thank you for you time and for your visit in the propden to share your knowledge with us.

 Post subject: Re: Newly Found ANH Stormtrooper Helmet and Armor
PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 9:47 am 
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Turrican wrote:
Ok some questions:
-Any info why the previous owner of the armor used a Edding to painted some parts of the armor black?

A:He was a kid at the time , and the costume was in the dressing up box. The paint is model kit enamel.

-Also it would be interesting to know if this armor was to see in any scene of AnH or ESB.

A:The belt/holster has been i.d`d to a.n.h.
Paul (Troopermaster) is spending his waking hours searching for clues to locate the armour/lid from his screencap library. :wink:

-Some say at the AnH/ESB armors only the helmets had a gloss white paint finish,some other say the armor was painted too.
Is it possible to tell exact if it was or not on this armor?

A: Simon aerosloled some of the armour decades ago . All the armour seems to be painted , but its impossible to tell which parts are original if any . More viewing is needed .

As to pictures of the lid un-stripped, Simon has some but cant find them just now.


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 Post subject: Re: Newly Found ANH Stormtrooper Helmet and Armor
PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 12:03 pm 
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Cool info.

Yeah, as far as I've been told, then the ANH armor wasn't painted, but the ESB was. Re-sprayed to match the respraying of the helmet and to get rid of yellowing!? I'm sure others, more knowledgeable will chime in regarding this.

Since it was re-painted by the owner, paint details are definitely out of the question to try to match to the screen used, but nicks, scratches and dents can. The fact that the owner says it was painted previously could suggest a set of armor that has seen action in both ANH and ESB.

Really is a cool piece.

 Post subject: Re: Newly Found ANH Stormtrooper Helmet and Armor
PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 7:50 am 
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Thanks for the info buddy.Heres to hoping he finds those pre sanded pics. :toothy

 Post subject: Re: Newly Found ANH Stormtrooper Helmet and Armor
PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 9:37 am 
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Thanks for sharing your info on this armor and btw: A warm welcome to The Prop Den. :cheers

gizmo wrote:
Heres to hoping he finds those pre sanded pics. :toothy

Yeah, that would be awesome! :drool

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 Post subject: Re: Newly Found ANH Stormtrooper Helmet and Armor
PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 9:04 pm 
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Thanks a lot Rob for you time to answer the questions. :thumbsup
Looking forward to the news of Paul and maybe more pic's. :salut

 Post subject: Re: Newly Found ANH Stormtrooper Helmet and Armor
PostPosted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 10:43 pm 
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This suit is a Sandtrooper so I doubt it saw any screen time in ESB.

There are a couple of very distinctive features on this suit that makes it easily identified on screen, but it's quite possible this armour has been cobbled together from several suits.

We know the belt has been identified in the opening scenes in the Tantive IV raid, and it is also worn by one of the hero troopers too (it's the one with the officers holster attached upside down).

If I find the suit on screen I will let you guys know, but I don't hold much hope to be honest. Like I said, I think the suit is a mis-match of parts, but still beautiful none the less. It was a real privilege to see this first hand and I cannot thank you enough Rob for arranging it :thumbsup

 Post subject: Re: Newly Found ANH Stormtrooper Helmet and Armor
PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 5:46 pm 
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troopermaster wrote:
and I cannot thank you enough Rob for arranging it :thumbsup

Oh yes you can .... :wink: :lol :lol

In the scene where Vader lifts the Tantive officer off his feet and throws him across the room , there is a trooper stood behind him wearing a left shin with no sniper plate , thats probably the suits left leg identified ... ??

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 Post subject: Re: Newly Found ANH Stormtrooper Helmet and Armor
PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:22 am 
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I've found a photo of Simons suit.

I'm positive this is the exact suit and helmet that Simon now owns. The two right forearms, no ribbed shoulder straps, no abdomen button plate (even looks to be painted black in the divet) and the rivets on bottom edge of the chest instead of on the lip are all the same as Simons. The helmet has the same cut out eyes. Below the ear cap has a piece of the helmet sticking out in exactly the same place as well as the face plate being in the same position.

There was always something strange about the details of this suit that didn't add up when I first saw this photo. Now I have had time to study more reference photos I am positive that this one above IS Simons.

I am looking forward to seeing a photo of Simons helmet before he removed the paint. I bet it has the very same distinctively short vent stripes in the tear duct and 14 stripes on the right hand side tube.

 Post subject: Re: Newly Found ANH Stormtrooper Helmet and Armor
PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 2:00 am 
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Here's a crazy thought......I wonder if Simon knows anyone in this photo?

This photo looks to have been taken in a residential area and not in any studio grounds. From what I know about who had the suit before Simon, I wonder if this photo was a personal one of the previous owner wearing it in the streets and not really anything to do with any LFL promotion?

 Post subject: Re: Newly Found ANH Stormtrooper Helmet and Armor
PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 2:27 am 
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Looks like a pretty convincing identification. :thumbsup

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