LOL. Good stuff. Keep forgetting we got some old people in here as well... oh hell, screw it... I'm becoming an old fart too all too quickly... but here goes.
I was 8... had had the toys since I found them in a reduced sale box a few years earlier. I believe I got 4 or 7 figures that day. Wondered why I knew who was the good guys and who was the bad guys - always thought it was their looks that naturally spoke about whether they were good or evil. Wasn't until later I was told that I had watched parts of ANH when I was 4 and had been traumatized by it... no wonder I was afraid of black eyes.
Well... getting away from the story. I was 8... must have been in '87 or '88. Had bugged my parents for years and finally they agreed. It was IMPOSSIBLE to get ANH, so I started out with ESB and RotJ. I have to say... I was amazed beyond words. Never knew something like that existed. Over the next couple of years I was on the hunt for ANH - known as just Star Wars at the time - saw glimpses of scenes here and there, but always never being able to stay and watch.
Can't remember how many years, but finally we found a rental place that had ANH... and we rented it... and I was blown away. From the other two movies I knew that Obi-Wan was a ghost... but when I saw him in the flesh... man... he was great... and even though I knew... when he died... I just about died inside. Vader was so intense... the danger so real... and seeing him be the killer of Obi-Wan... just immediately changed the following two movies in my mind... they were great on their own but even greater with ANH.
I never got to see SW on the big screen until the dreadful SE versions were released.
That's my story.