Nairod wrote:
It's not what Matt told me when I asked about this fiberglass helmet (some month ago).
He told me that it's not him who made these helmets but he knows the guy and yes it came from the original ROTJ helmet he owned!
But who knows the true in this crazy hobby
Ah, then I must have misunderstood. Cheers for setting me straight. It's still interesting to study the differences between my cast and how the original looks now, so at some point after the mold was made that made this cast the original was taken apart, as for instance the ears sit very differently... or maybe just the ears were removed and some of the decals!?
Was there any word as to how many of these fiberglass copies exist?
JoeR wrote:
No not a fibreglass buck Carsten, I meant do you think his bucks came from this same original helmet that was the source of your casting?
Oh, sorry for misunderstanding. It just seems likely that the buck and this cast came from the same mold. Though, I don't know how the first TE RotJ helmets looked, so I can't really make an educated guess, but if you say they were softer and larger than they should be, then it seems only likely.