Thanks for all the compliments, it's much appreciated. I'll take some more shots as requested by Mac, but those pics were taken from about 15 feet away with a zoom lense. I don't really have much info on the dome. I received it in a trade, but the previous owner didn't have much info on it. I lost contact with him several years ago. It was pretty rough when I received it. JRX is correct it does resemble the TM ESB helmet, but I don't believe it's anywhere close to that one. I also have some more pics of the SPFX that look very different, and much better, than thoe one listed. I've always loved Jesper's ANH, it looks perfect. I'll get some more pics up of my CT/ANH transformation. I've always believed that the ANH facplate is so much larger than we are use to seeing and the CT faceplate looked the part to me.
A little OT, but my wife and I each have our own bank accounts. We split the bills between us and I give her my portion of the monthly bills. Whatever funds are available from that in each of our accounts is left for each of us to decide how to spend or save. She saves her cash, I spend mine.

However, we never argue about money because we each do as we please with our money. I do "borrow" from her from time to time, as you can imagine.