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 Post subject: Vader Helmets
PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 1:31 am 
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I thought I'd take some pics of my vader helmets and show them. I know I always love seeing other vader helmets and the work that went into them. Some of these are finished and some are still a WIP. I painted all but the Fiberdyne, JB and SPFX. I have a VM2 on the way within the next couple of weeks which I'm very excited about. I'd like to get a 20C, JB or SPFX ESB and possibly a JB ROTJ or ANH V2. I used to own two different portumac helmets, but I sold them. Anyway here they are:

A Rubies I got off ebay:
Re-worked DP DLX recast

Last edited by Lambotour on Fri Mar 21, 2008 2:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 5:35 am 
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Man you must have a very understanding missus.
They look great

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PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 6:19 am 
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cookman wrote:
Man you must have a very understanding missus.
They look great

You said a mouthfull there LOL -- Excellent collection!

Dave C

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PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 8:03 am 
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Awesome collection! I'm envious of your incoming VM2.

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PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 8:54 am 
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Very nice collection :cool:

I had not noticed how wide the Fyberdyne centre strip was in comparison to the others. Looks like an ESB strip just with the peak. Interesting stuff.

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PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 11:25 am 
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That's an impressive looking collection. So much variety between those helmets... that's great! :thumbsup

You gotta tell me more about the top CT you tried to ANH-ise... that's can't possibly be the original CT dome on that thing.

You have my envy! :lol

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PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 4:38 pm 
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You own all those? Wow!

Could you post individual eye-level face-foward shots of those helmets while standing 6 feet back (to reduce perspetive distortion)?

Amazing photos, BTW. Thank you!!

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PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 4:41 pm 
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Also, of all the ANH style helmets, the JB looks the most authentic to me. The much-lauded SPFX appears to me that the flange is too longer than the Tantive IV shots, and it's face looks more long and narrow than the JB.

The JB's flange could be shorter, but it's face appears wider and its features are more acute, and the facemask has a remarkable resemblance to the the Tantive IV shots.

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PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 4:52 pm 
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CSMacLaren wrote:
Also, of all the ANH style helmets, the JB looks the most authentic to me. The much-lauded SPFX appears to me that the flange is too longer than the Tantive IV shots, and it's face looks more long and narrow than the JB.

The JB's flange could be shorter, but it's face appears wider and its features are more acute, and the facemask has a remarkable resemblance to the the Tantive IV shots.

Mac ... it's also about how you take pics ... :rolleyes ...

... and wich Generation SPFX Helmet you own - :lol :lol :lol

Here are a few different shots of mine for comparison ...





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PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 4:55 pm 
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NoHumorMan wrote:
That's an impressive looking collection. So much variety between those helmets... that's great! :thumbsup

You gotta tell me more about the top CT you tried to ANH-ise... that's can't possibly be the original CT dome on that thing.

You have my envy! :lol

I second all of that exactly ... :lol

... really - this can't be the original CT Dome ... no way ... it almost looks
alike to that Original TM ESB Dome to me ...

Where did you get that, and from whom - do you have more infos about it ???

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PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 5:11 pm 
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I noticed the dome here appears to be very deep. It's depth is accurate with the ESB publicity photo of Vader holding out his hand to Luke hang onto that weathervane rail thing (before taking the plunge).

However is that depth the right shape for ANH?

This last shot was very nice:


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PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 5:12 pm 
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With this shot, if he were looking to the left, it looks like the stranglehold ("I find your lack of faith disturbing") in the Death Star scene. Could you photograph it at that angle?

I do admit his face looks more slender in that scene, which leads me to think that the initial closeup shots on the Tantive IV portion of ANH were such that the camera was closer to the actor, and there may have been some perspective distortion there because in the closeups the dome looks proportionately smaller than the face.

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PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 7:11 pm 
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Thanks for all the compliments, it's much appreciated. I'll take some more shots as requested by Mac, but those pics were taken from about 15 feet away with a zoom lense. I don't really have much info on the dome. I received it in a trade, but the previous owner didn't have much info on it. I lost contact with him several years ago. It was pretty rough when I received it. JRX is correct it does resemble the TM ESB helmet, but I don't believe it's anywhere close to that one. I also have some more pics of the SPFX that look very different, and much better, than thoe one listed. I've always loved Jesper's ANH, it looks perfect. I'll get some more pics up of my CT/ANH transformation. I've always believed that the ANH facplate is so much larger than we are use to seeing and the CT faceplate looked the part to me.

A little OT, but my wife and I each have our own bank accounts. We split the bills between us and I give her my portion of the monthly bills. Whatever funds are available from that in each of our accounts is left for each of us to decide how to spend or save. She saves her cash, I spend mine. :lol However, we never argue about money because we each do as we please with our money. I do "borrow" from her from time to time, as you can imagine. :hehe-err

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PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 7:21 pm 
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Darth Karo wrote:
Thanks for all the compliments, it's much appreciated. I'll take some more shots as requested by Mac, but those pics were taken from about 15 feet away with a zoom lense. I don't really have much info on the dome. I received it in a trade, but the previous owner didn't have much info on it. I lost contact with him several years ago. It was pretty rough when I received it. JRX is correct it does resemble the TM ESB helmet, but I don't believe it's anywhere close to that one. I also have some more pics of the SPFX that look very different, and much better, than thoe one listed. I've always loved Jesper's ANH, it looks perfect. I'll get some more pics up of my CT/ANH transformation. I've always believed that the ANH facplate is so much larger than we are use to seeing and the CT faceplate looked the part to me.

A little OT, but my wife and I each have our own bank accounts. We split the bills between us and I give her my portion of the monthly bills. Whatever funds are available from that in each of our accounts is left for each of us to decide how to spend or save. She saves her cash, I spend mine. :lol However, we never argue about money because we each do as we please with our money. I do "borrow" from her from time to time, as you can imagine. :hehe-err

15 feet is fine, especially if you have a good zoom lens! That explains why all those shots look accurate to the props and that the images don't suffer from subtle "fish-eye" effects typical in photos taken standing 3-4 feet away.

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PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 8:08 pm 
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Mac, yeah the camera I have is a high end camera and the zoom lense cost a good chunk of change. My wife photographs models and this is the same camera she uses. The helmets look pretty much as you see them. Of course I could adjust positions, exposure, lighting, distance etc and change their look a bit, but these are just a simple shot of each. I'll get around to taking some more pics when I get home tonight.

Last edited by Lambotour on Wed May 09, 2007 10:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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