CSMacLaren wrote:
I had precisely this issue with SithPlanet's ANH. Although Carsten and DarthVaderV were one of the first people to suggest dome repositioning as opposed to lengthening the flange, the problem with the Fyberdyne base (which SgtFang copied) is that the domecap is simply too small to afford proper room for proper dome repositioning. Adding length to the flange will create the same weird looking effect that used to be promoted on older Vader costuming websites.
The kind of surgery needed to involves hacking up the dome in several pieces to make it essentially larger, but not so large that it looks disproportionate. An example of a dome being too large is a Rubie's dome, which someone once tried pairing with the Sgt Fang faceplate, and it just didn't work out at all due to the faceplate's small size.
Yeah, i did that, and the size difference was...well....ridiculous.....