If this is seen as a political thread, please delete or let me know so I can try and word things a little better, in case I'm going too far.
I just wanted to let people, who might not know what is going on, know what is currently going on with Anime and Manga being threatened to censor itself at the source.
Another instance of arrogant puritan western companies pissing all over Japan's culture, to force their own agenda down over everyone. When companies become too large, they become a danger to the world.
I keep saying, Japan should start their own international streaming service, so all anime lovers can go use their service and make sure the money goes directly to Japanese creators and not greedy Western middle men, just jacking up prices and inserting their own agendas into someone else's hard work.
I'm sure they would be more able to get things licensed in the whole world, instead of just mostly the US, like the current streaming services that cost the same for Europeans, but only has half the anime show catalogue available, whereas the US gets the whole thing.
Hope Japan finds a way to fight back and stop VISA and MASTERCARD.