Posted this on RPF, so should put it here too. Case closed.
Firstly, early images of the SL ANH had the right front face of the cheek and the widow’s peak (among other things) blurred out. Why? So SPFX and JB couldn’t use that information to make their claimed “cast from original” castings more authentic.
Secondly, the image of the mold shown by eFX has flat lighting, has the region in question out of focus compared to the tab region in the other photo shown, and I can see the base of the C-scar just where it should be. The C-scar as Wannab mentioned is not a huge chip in the paint, it is a shallow scratch, but it is there.
Here is a comparison showing that on the mold the C-scar is still present. All I had to do was increase the sharpness of the image and I invite anyone to do the same comparison and do the overlay as well. You will see that they match. Maybe if we could see a sharper image of that area with oblique lighting it would be more apparent. But it is there.The details at the base of the scar toward the lower edge of the cheek match and are indisputable. But certainly it could have been missed by an untrained eye.

And finally, Darth Jones confirmed that when his own helmet was pulled from the Rick Baker mold, it too had the C-scar. So, two separate pulls from the Rick Baker mold taken years apart, by different ILM artists, and BOTH have the C-scar. Then, almost 20 years later, eFX takes a pull from the mold and reports that there is no C-scar?
So it is there, it was there. And certainly a detail like that would be easy to miss.