SithLord wrote:
Actually I wouldn't mind if that happened to me because then I could add my own tusks.
You have tusks better than the eFX tusks?
Also, I really don't want to add fuel to the bonfire of egos going back and forth... But here are some preachy thoughts;
The people that defend the eFX helmet as being somehow more accurate than, or on par with a direct casting are wrong. But nobody official is saying that.
So I think that stems from those people's perception of the Vader elitists loosing their control over who gets accurate castings. Feelings of resentment are common with people who think they are entitled to be offered whatever they desire.
The people who point out the clean up or "flaws" on the eFX are not wrong. But how they present the information is very poor. It very often comes across as accusing eFX of misrepresenting the product, or resentment that due to the clean up they do not have a helmet as accurate as the Vader elite. Official statements have been made about the clean up. If you think you are going to find all the warts and dings after stripping away the paint, you are wrong.
Additionally, the paint on the dome is extremely think. I think before certain people make assertions that the widow's peak was modified they should do some research first. It is possible China fucked that area up but you can't put forth your opinions and observations forward as fact. Furthermore if it is a
fact that this area is not right, the
truth is that it was not intentionally modified.
That's it. All people just need to chill and approach things differently. For the people wishing to post the sure-to-be-forthcoming thread pointing out all the details the eFX lacks, here is my advice;
Approach it as informative instead of aggressive. Most people are already on-board with the idea that even cleaned up the eFX is a swell helmet.
If certain people want to compare their castings to the eFX to show how "flawed" the eFX is and how much more accurate their casting is, that is one thing. Even though its true most people will just see it as ego. I believe most of you are familiar with Gino?
If people want to compare their castings to the eFX just to show what
exactly was removed, that is another matter.
There is a very fine line between the two. In fact really the only difference is how the thread author approaches it. And there will be people on the "pro eFX/anti prop den" side of things who will overreact even if the thread is handled the right way. People don't generally deal well with having their personal flaws pointed out to them and most people feel the same about their prized, expensive possessions; even if they know its true. Its just crazy human nature.
Just be as generous as you can be with explaining the reason for your thread to these people. It will be very hard to explain to them that you are not saying "mine's better than yours" but "here is the truth"
Personally I think a thread like that is best left off the RPF since it can only go wrong. Call that censorship if you like but I just think there are more people on the RPF tired of having drama spill over from other forums and long historys most dont know about or care about. Most people are just ok with knowing clean up was done without getting into the specifics. For the people that do care, there will be this future thread. And it is sure to get just as nasty as all the other threads just like it because people are stupid assholes when it comes down to it.
Such is the nature of a forum.