Thanks as always Gentlemen for the compliments and support

It's great to receive praise from people whose work you've admired yourself.
Dann wrote:
"So how long did you wait between painting sessions? I know the can says seven days, did you wait that long?
I'd love to hear a quick rundown of your spraycan technique!"
I went to the Dupli-Color site and for Lacquers they say there is no "dry down time" so you can re-coat whenever you like. However, just to let the paint cure some, I went a full week between my first two paint sessions. Four days from that session for the third and then did the gunmetal coat three days after that.
As far as technique goes I don't think I do anything special. Start out with a light coat trying to spray with an even motion and making sure as much as possible that I've got even coating. Then let it sit for about 10 minutes and do the same thing over again. After another 10 minutes I do the "wet coat", which is just a little heavier than the first two, and
try not to have any runs. I make sure to shake the can every minute or so to keep the paint mixed.
I find the wet coat stage with lacquers is a little trickier because of the grainy effect you can get at the edge of the spray but if you get it right the results are much much nicer.
I ended up with two runs to get rid of which I sanded down before re-coating. One was along the left side of the edge of the mouth and the other was on the chin just next to the left tusk. Thankfully they were both very small and sanded and buffed out perfectly without blowing through to the prime or anything.
Thanks again guys and I'll post some more pics once I've made some more progress. Soooooo tempted to strip down the dome and clean it up....