It was pointed out to me that the 2nd paragraph of my last post reads like I'm going to buy a recast dome for this project. Were that the case, since the recaster on eBay is selling the mask and dome, the pair would invalidate this whole project and thread.
Rather, if I were making an almost symmetrical dome (I have a method in my mind) the time and effort it would require would best be paired up with my Scratchbuilt ROTS Vader project (a different thread here in Works in Progress).
What I learn from this project (I've picked up some subtleties on the ROTS from studying photos and sculpting onto the Rubies) that I think can benefit my older Scratchbuilt ROTS project.
My dilemna is that given availability of a recast on eBay, would fans prefer to buy the recast instead of investing in a fan's Scratchbuild (this thread, conversely, is a Modification). My scratchbuild has been on the back burner because of this. I don't want to invest so much into a project that nobody wants. But the scratchbuild is a whole other subject.
For now, I'll continue to mod the Rubie's purely for my learning purpose and to develop an eye for the ROTS design.
When this mod is done, I'm open to a trade with something other than just another Rubie's plastic helmet.