Darth Karo wrote:
godaiking wrote:
Great looking vader as I've stated before. One of the best I've seen. Would you mind telling us a breakdown on the parts and where you got them? Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the compliments!
Here's a parts breakdown:
Leather suit and gloves: Customs Props. Suit was a bit too puffy and new looking so I had to wrinkle it up alot. Still gotta work on the doing it to the legs. Gloves are very nice but the pattern looks a little off.
Cape and Robe: Also, from Customs Props. Very nice material, but the seam on each side of the cape kill it for me. Plus the collar has wrinkles near the leather collar.
I need to get these replaced. Anyone know of person/company where I can get a near screen accurate set?
Cod: Artisan Props....nuff said.
Belt: GT belt modded by me with new knobs, new pilot light and a new weather black paintjob. Still need to rewire the boxes for lights.
Buckle: Russ Prep weathered by me.
Chestbox: Most of it made by yours truly, except the chest rods (got these off ebay). Bought the blinking lights off Ebay.
Shins: Looks like GT Prowse sized shins.