Thanks again guys for your nice coments. The truth is that it took more time than I spected but I think at the end off the end of the day what it matters are the final results and I am happy with them. I had to painted white twice since the white paint looked bad in some key areas( it looked like orange peel) so I had to remove it and start again from scratch.
Paul thanks for your kind words it means a lot to me, thanks again for your help.
I trtied Krylon paint on a dome, but when slightly flexed the paint started cracking. It was Krylon Fusion or something. You may want to check if Krylon's supposed to be as flexible as, say, Duplicolor.
Mac I did not experienced any craking using Krylon fusion on a dome or mask. It is true that the undercut area requires some love since it is very thing and fragile but once you add the neck trim that problem almost disapears completly. Also it depends what uses you give to the helmet, mine is in a display case, if you troop on it I guarantee that it will crack on many areas. I do not have any experince with other paint brands since this is the very first helmet I have painted myself. To clearify I used white krylon fusion paint and for the final touch I applied a pass of Krylon Triple-Thick Crystal Clear Glaze and so far it looks very solid.