gizmo wrote:
Sorry I meant the pic Nairod posted earlier in this thread of that ANH suit.
Yes, that was the one I was commenting on.
troopermaster wrote:
That ANH suit pic was posted some time back and I thought it was odd with the ammo belt being a different colour.
Do not discount it as not being Simons suit so quickly just because it doesn't have the black marks. Simon admitted painting those on as a kid and I reckon that photo is early 80's, so it could still possibly be untouched at that time. Also, the suit did not always belong to Simon and it had to come from somewhere and could easily have been stolen from this exhibition.
I am not saying that this suit is 100% Simons, but the fact that the whole suit looks to be painted and the belt is not, and the fact that is has the same doubled right arms is a strong it not?
Also, the hand plates worn upside down. I have never seen any hand plates like that in the movie. Yes, they are worn on the wrong hands, but never upside down. Another thing to note is that Simons suit has plastic hand plates which are simply cut out of a sheet of ABS and the details drawn on - they are not latex.
It's a shame that we don't have a higher resolution photo to examine. Who really knows what Simons helmet looked like before he stripped the paint off. Maybe it did have the strange frown as seen in this photo?
Well, the other picture you found that could be SiMan's suit, HAS the black markings on the armor and hand guards, but regular painted helmet. So... you can't have no black markings and oddly painted helmet and then later a picture with black markings and normal painted helmet and both be the same. That makes no sense.
So... we have potentially two candidates that could be SiMan's suit... with more pictures it may be possible to narrow it down to one of them. But... they are not the same suits in those two pictures.