These are still work-in-progres shots so bear with me. But it's nearly done. Just refinements are needed at this stage.
My friend T-VIRUS got swallowed up by the Sarlaac of his day job. Tugly (T-VIRUS' Ugly) was just sitting there looking very alone without a dome. Elsewhere in my home was that GH ANH dome which I had previously widened, but failed to really pair it with the mask.
I did some rework to the Tugly face to make it wider so that it a better match, else I'd have a skinny mask and wide dome.
So here's the mask.
The face slightly fuller. The head is larger than I'd like, but that might also be because the crown area is not as tall as where it should be, since on the original Don Post Classic Action this was a T-shaped mounting system. The advantage of a lower crown here is that I could get the mounting system I want without unnecessarily making the dome sit higher on the mask. The important thing is that the face is compatable with the open facial area of the dome.
And.... it worked! I reworked the frown and widow's peak area. Just the front of the center strip is reworked. The rest could still benefit from that, but I wanted to see if I had sufficiently captured an ANH look.
"Commander, .... I want them alive!!"
Yup, it's looking compatable. Hard to believe this was a smaller mask earlier.
"I sense something... something I've not felt since...!"
If you don't believe that's the same mask, look at the rounded corners of the chin triangle.
So there you have it. Tugly's dome was so warped it was beyond salvaging. I had thrown away my Darth Ugly but I'm glad to have salvaged Tugly to give it a happy story arc of devlopment. It still needs some refinements here and there, but it's about done.