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 Post subject: Messurements for Chestbox(+Switches and everything)+Beltbox
PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:51 pm 
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Are some real accurate 100% Plans with messurements out there , I was looking throw the entire internet and nearly every forum . There are no real nice plans ore Cad drawings.
I also saw some realy nice and accurate props (like mparent stuff) but nobody publishes some plans(why ?) .
If there are some of them out there , pleas give me a link or something like that .
If nobody have something like that a photo with a ruler(from a correct rotsbox) would be also enought , i can make some nice plan measure them out and publish them for everyone.

Best wishes and thanks for help


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 Post subject: Re: Messurements for Chestbox(+Switches and everything)+Belt
PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 9:54 pm 
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I believe these were posted on the RPF, so hope it's okay to repost them here.

Image Image
That's about the only reference I have with measurements.

The digital models I had made was based off outside edge measurements from the Kaiyodo sixth scale sculpt. I make no claim on accuracy, but went to great lengths to produce something that looked good.

 Post subject: Re: Messurements for Chestbox(+Switches and everything)+Belt
PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 11:19 pm 
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Your 3d model is amazing , and you do not justed messurements to build them? Would it be possible to get these 3d modells?

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 Post subject: Re: Messurements for Chestbox(+Switches and everything)+Belt
PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:44 am 
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Hi Phil

I'm also relatively new to Vader Props.
As I understand, this has a lot to do to get to the bottom of the secret things (known as the path to the dark side... :wink: ).
I mean it's not exciting to get one ready-made plan.

For the design and construction of my ESB Chestbox I knew only one measure that has been mentioned several times in various forums.
From this and from my Fenixprops Rods I derived all other dimensions.

I was already surprised to see the measurements of the rocker switches on NHM's posted image. They correspond to +/- 1mm my derived dimensions.
Of course it was much (research) work. But the satisfaction is ultimately greater if you develop this from the scratch and then see after, you're close to the real thing.

I post here even though my basic plan of my ESB chest box.
It's certainly not 100% accurate, which can ensure no one or very few people who were close to the originals (there were also different screen used versions ...) or still are.
A few details are mentioned in German, but these are not so important.

Based on this plan, I built my 3D CGI version:


and my real chest box:

Sure it's not the 100% accurate thing, but one can always do things better. It is only my first modest attempt.

Hope this helps and motivates you to go deeper into the research process, which is really exiting to do.

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 Post subject: Re: Messurements for Chestbox(+Switches and everything)+Belt
PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:58 am 
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My chest box models were made from the 2.8cm tall and wide measurement. Upscaled to 1:1 it will be 16.8cm tall and wide. I know the real ones are a tad bit larger and more wonky on their measurements - I didn't care as I went for idealized, otherwise I would still be in the modeling stage now.

 Post subject: Re: Messurements for Chestbox(+Switches and everything)+Belt
PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:54 pm 
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No Humor Man wrote:
My chest box models were made from the 2.8cm tall and wide measurement. Upscaled to 1:1 it will be 16.8cm tall and wide. I know the real ones are a tad bit larger and more wonky on their measurements - I didn't care as I went for idealized, otherwise I would still be in the modeling stage now.

This is also my goal regarding my first 1:1 Vader.
By the way, really a great job your Kaiyodo Vader adaption! Very inspiring and great intermediate results! :thumbsup
Do you know the cost for a Go!Scan3D? They keep the price very secret as it seems...

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 Post subject: Re: Messurements for Chestbox(+Switches and everything)+Belt
PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:46 pm 
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Yeah... it's no longer the Kaiyodo project... it became a whole new sculpt. Still making some cosmetic alterations to the Kaiyodo piece, such as using the new dome and chest box - not even sure I need to exchange the belt boxes - so that's about it. It will basically stay as it is now, as the new sculpt has taken over the other pose I wanted.

Sorry, don't know what a GolScan3D is.

My upscaled measurements aren't perfect, but they are a good starting point. Just get a good straight on picture of the chest box you want. Scale it so that the rocker switch or coin slot has the correct 1:1 size, then print out the picture and presto, you have a good template to work from.

 Post subject: Re: Messurements for Chestbox(+Switches and everything)+Belt
PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:00 pm 
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No Humor Man wrote:
Yeah... it's no longer the Kaiyodo project... it became a whole new sculpt. Still making some cosmetic alterations to the Kaiyodo piece, such as using the new dome and chest box - not even sure I need to exchange the belt boxes - so that's about it. It will basically stay as it is now, as the new sculpt has taken over the other pose I wanted.

I would'nt exchange the belt boxes, I mean they have a special charm (only my ... Cents).
And yes, the art in art: making the point at the right time :wink:

No Humor Man wrote:
Sorry, don't know what a GolScan3D is.

This evening I saw the following sentence: "For the price of a compact car..."
I was just hopeful... :rolleyes

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 Post subject: Re: Messurements for Chestbox(+Switches and everything)+Belt
PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:52 pm 
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Joined: Sat Jan 19, 2013 8:20 pm
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BigT your Plans are realy awesome , did you have the first side of the pdf as well ? I have access to an cnc machine and i would like to build some rods and switchbars(and maybe some of that smale stuff) out of aluminium , if you can help me with the messurements I would make you some for free.

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 Post subject: Re: Messurements for Chestbox(+Switches and everything)+Belt
PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 8:32 pm 
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Philvanhalen wrote:
BigT your Plans are realy awesome , did you have the first side of the pdf as well ? I have access to an cnc machine and i would like to build some rods and switchbars(and maybe some of that smale stuff) out of aluminium , if you can help me with the messurements I would make you some for free.

Of course I like to help a dark confrere from the sympathetic eastern neighbor galaxy :wink:

Page #1 contains only a few visual references, a 2-D scheme, and 3 renderings of my Cinema4D 3D-modeling.

In fact I designed the miniature details of this little silver switches out of fantasy.
I used 6x6mm wood profile with 20mm length as a basis and modeled it with a set of needle files.
Meanwhile, I have painted them with chrome paint.


I think the dimensions are quite right, but the mini details aren't definitely screen accurate.

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 Post subject: Re: Messurements for Chestbox(+Switches and everything)+Belt
PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 11:02 pm 
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Is realy nice worke , my planetary-neighbor , I am checking out all the sizes of the small parts , I am use the references from this build , I would like to do it in the same quality. When I have your 3d files everything else is a kinderpiel :D

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 Post subject: Re: Messurements for Chestbox(+Switches and everything)+Belt
PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 10:50 pm 
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I found a awesome metalbox for the belt , German seller !;ACTION=3;LA=5;ARTICLE=121060;GROUPID=5503;artnr=1550WC;SID=12URNr4H8AAAIAAGCIeXQ24c65fcd9a0cd88dbfdf46c7b43a711d
And also one for the green lights :

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 Post subject: Re: Messurements for Chestbox(+Switches and everything)+Belt
PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 2:05 am 
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Philvanhalen wrote:

here is a UK supplier for the switches.

USD 78.24 for 4 of them. Not on stock, we order this product for you from our supplier, we expect a delivery time of 5 to 14 days. I didn't look at the shipping as currently my fun money has went into my R2 for the time being. but I'm not so worried about shipping it can't be that much.

after an hour of searching I couldn't find the actual supplier. If anyone finds the actual company website or a US supplier please pass on the info.

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 Post subject: Re: Messurements for Chestbox(+Switches and everything)+Belt
PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 2:43 pm 
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I am also looking for the accurate messurements of the Vader bucket , because i would like to laser them out of aluminium.
Did anybody have some plans ?

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 Post subject: Re: Messurements for Chestbox(+Switches and everything)+Belt
PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:32 am 
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Several years ago I did a run of Vader buckles. Let me check and see if I can dig up those measurements.

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